
How to Make a Origami Magic Pentagon


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There are many mathematical and recreational problems related to folding. Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, is one well-known example.

It is possible to make a surprising variety of shapes by folding a piece of paper multiple times, making one complete straight cut, then unfolding. For example, a five-pointed star can be produced after four folds (Demaine and Demaine 2004, p. 23), as can a polygonal swan, butterfly, and angelfish (Demaine and Demaine 2004, p. 29). Amazingly, every polygonal shape can be produced this way, as can any disconnected combination of polygonal shapes (Demaine and Demaine 2004, p. 25). Furthermore, algorithms for determining the patterns of folds for a given shape have been devised by Bern et al. (2001) and Demaine et al. (1998, 1999).


Wells (1986, p. 37; Wells 1991) and Gurkewitz and Arnstein (2003, pp. 49-59) illustrate the construction of the equilateral triangle, regular pentagon (illustrated above), hexagon, heptagon, octagon, and decagon using paper folding.

The least number of folds required to create an n-gon for n>=4 is not known, but some bounds are. In particular, every set of n points is the image of a suitable regular n-gon under at most F(n) folds, where

 F(n)<={1/2(3n-2)   for n even; 1/2(3n-3)   for n odd.


The first few values are 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, ... (OEIS A007494).

The points accessible from c by a single fold which leaves a_1, ..., a_n fixed are exactly those points interior to or on the boundary of the intersection of the circles through c with centers at a_i, for i=1, ..., n. Given any three points in the plane a, b, and c, there is an equilateral triangle with polygon vertices x, y, and z for which a, b, and c are the images of x, y, and z under a single fold.

Given any four points in the plane a, b, c, and d, there is some square with polygon vertices x, y, z, and w for which a, b, c, and d are the images of x, y, z, and w under a sequence of at most three folds. In addition, any four collinear points are the images of the polygon vertices of a suitable square under at most two folds. Every five (six) points are the images of the polygon vertices of suitable regular pentagon (hexagon) under at most five (six) folds.

Assuming it were possible to fold paper without restriction, the height of a piece of folded paper would double in thickness each time it was folded. Since one sheet of typical 20-pound paper has a thickness of about 0.1 millimeter, folding 50 times (if this were physically possible, which of course it is not) would produce a wad of height 1.13×10^(11) meters, and folding one more time would make the stack higher than the distance between the Earth and Sun.

Paper folder Britney Gallivan

The function



gives the loss function for folding paper in half, where L is the minimum possible length of the material, d is the thickness, and n is the possible number of folds in a given direction. This formula indicates how much "normalized" paper has been lost for n folds, and thus sets a limit for the number of times things of finite thickness can be folded in one direction (Pomona Valley Historical Society). For n=0, 1, 2, ... the sequence L/(pid) gives 0, 1, 4, 14, 50, 186, 714, ... (OEIS A076024). The formula was derived by high school student Britney Gallivan in December of 2001. Britney then proceeded to set a new world record by folding first gold foil and then paper in half a whopping 12 times in January of 2002, thus debunking the assertions of Math@Home and PBS Kids that paper cannot be folded in half more than eight times. Britney and her feat were mentioned in the Season 1 episode "Identity Crisis" (2005) of the television crime drama NUMB3RS.

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How to Make a Origami Magic Pentagon


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